white lead and charcoal on mid-blue paper, 29 x 20 cm
watercolour on card stock paper, 28,1 × 20,2 cm
pencil, chinese ink and diluted chinese ink on heavy paper, 26 × 19 cm
coloured paper collage on card stock paper, 40 × 43,5 cm
cm 120,5x104,4
chinese ink and coloured inks on canvassed paper , 30 × 40 cm
pencil and chinese ink on paper , 25 × 20 cm
mixed technique on paper , 20,5 × 28 cm
collage of coloured papers and retouched photos on card stock paper, 34 × 44 cm
pencil and watercolour on paper , 23,7 × 15,8 cm
oil on cardboard, 70 × 57,5 cm
FUTURISM & CO Art Gallery . Via Mario de' Fiori, 68 . Rome, Italy
Opening time: Monday: 14.00 - 19.30 / Tuesday - Saturday: 11.30 - 19.30 / Sundays and holidays only by appointment
A&K S.R.L. - Via Mario de' Fiori, 68 . Rome, Italy
info@futurismandco.com - PEC a-ksrl@legalmail.it - Phones: +39 06 6797382 - +39 339 7945092 (Francesca) - +39 335 5333793 (Alessandro)
P.IVA 14472361006 - C.F. e Iscriz. Reg. Imp. di Roma n. 14472361006 - REA 1523248 - Capitale Sociale € 10.000,00